Susan Glynn
First accredited Coach for The Healing Codes in Australia

"What makes people decide to do what they do in their lives???”...this was my burning childhood question and fascination.
With a Mum who had been a 5 certificated Nurse, trained to nurse people Holistically, I followed suit and began my RN training. Within that first year, I noticed I was nursing some of the same patients several times. They were not improving with each hospitalization.
Something was not working here, and as their nurse...I was a part of that, which distressed me.
Looking at their prescribed treatments and medications showed many of these drugs had side effects that were ‘arguing’ with one another in the patient, contributing to their discomfort and illness in various ways, and all this seemed counter-productive to me.
At the start of my 2nd year of training, I went to the hospital Matron saying I felt I was a part of a lot of medicine, as a nurse...and yet...not a lot of true healing was happening. I resigned.
I lived life for a while, married, had a gorgeous son, and learned a lot from the broad variety of these life experiences...some of which were extremely uncomfortable.
With my little son, I began another phase of life as a single Mum, and at my wise Godmother’s suggestion, trained as a crisis telephone councillor for LifeLine, then began the volunteer work on the phones.
Ah, this felt so much more productive! The LifeLine training and work opened me to knowing I could Change those parts of myself and my life that I did not feel were working well.
I made a DECISION to deeply commit, ongoingly, to a better relationship with myself.I noticed myself to be a constantly Growing person!!!
Later still, I married a dear friend from my teenage years, and then in 1995/6, I did an Energy healing Training that truly Blew Open so many doors of possibility, expansion and ‘Sight forwards’ in my life.
Many courses and trainings in various modalities followed, with the experiencing of many more different Energy processes and tools to explore how they each impacted within me as i used them, Daily, Consistently on myself. I could sense some working deeper & more broadly than others.
The thing I’m most Grateful for now is that I was naturally drawn to courses more into the Experiencing of the Energy and its great possibilities, and less on courses learning intellectually & in the formal history of healing.
This Energy Experiencing unwittingly & unplanned, produced in me, over time, degrees of fear-clearing and openness way beyond anything I had ever known was possible or needed...to bring me health, healing and inner calm and much more, the like of which, I had not known could even BE, for me.
It is now, far easier and more enjoyable living IN me each day. :-)