Most Impactful Trainings...
E.M. – Energy Movement, with Ron Urqhhart, my FIRST Energy master, is here in Australia.
EM is Ron’s own invention, and he was a Master about ¼ of a century before his time. EM cleared Core Beliefs like ‘I’m not good enough,’ ‘I’m unlovable,’ ‘Life is not fair,’ etc. I did all trainings and practiced with clients, right through to Master and then Trainer and Trainer’s Trainer levels with Ron. His teachings continue to be proved Pure simple Truth & deeply Wise.
Plus, I did Ki Force...Ron’s invention again, and a Reiki-like process to use on self and others. I also facilitated with Ron, through all these trainings in both Ki Force and E.M. for some years.
During & after this time I did...
Reiki I and II, Magneto Biology, the Delfin Knowledge System, and E.F.T. (Emotional Freedom Techniques). I have played with all kinds of mind expanding Energy/vibrational & subliminal technology tools like Holosync, Brain Entrainment, Solfeggio and Fibonacci sequences too.
I noticed that so many other alternative skills, modalities, processes and treatments, like diets, drugs, exercise and individual nutrient combinations, made little permanent progress to Deep issues and often ‘treated’ or managed, controlled or even suppressed symptoms...all of which Accepts the illness as an ongoing state for us to ‘Put Up With’.
Diet and nutrition plans make best impact After the Energy healing drastically reduces Stress, as this is when the cells of the entire body are more healed and more OPEN to then skilluflly Absorb the food & nutrient improvements.
Even most of the Energy processes I read about or took part in, required the Conscious Mind to predominantly be the entry point, the guide or the capacity to RE-call memories or issues from the Sub Conscious.
The Huge LIBRARY of all human programming and data base Memory is in the SUB- or Un-Conscious mind,...we are told. So it’s no surprise that the Conscious mind’s tiny ability to RE Call that information was just NOT achieving much success in getting to the CAUSE of All Human Disturbances, let alone changing, clearing or Mending them permanently.
!!!...BACKWARD...it all felt like we are doing life and medicine, BACKWARDS…!!!
Show me “More Complete”...I asked of the Universe, of Energy, of God...of Source!!! Show me Healing with Love, and Instant Healing please.
If Quantum physics is accurate, we can just collapse a wave pattern, and hurt and fear are wave patterns as Love is a wave pattern, just that hurt & fear are of Lower vibrations, & destructive.
Logically...one vibration Must collapse into another. From a non-love vibration, to a Love Vibration.
“Please Give me THAT” I kept imploring of that Ultimate Infinite Power that it feels I am, you are, all a part of.
My Mother, with her realistic art skills sketching the Human Body, taught me that our Bodies could heal themselves, with a strong Immune System...we now know it has the ‘software’ program to do that. If our bodies can, then the rest of us Certainly can. My clever Mother had instilled all that certainty into my Heart when I was a kid...I have so much deep Respect in our humanity, that we can Heal Ourselves.!!!
Then in 2005, in answer to my asking, THE HEALING CODES showed up...that 'More Complete', Instant and LOVE healing, ALL IN ONE. My daily ‘Soul food’ and de-Cluttering for life, it feels.
My 'Energy Tool box' was REALLY gaining power.
More recently I have done Matrix Energetics, Ho’oponopono and am qualified as a Tantra practitioner - the way to actually CREATE LOVE & Healing each other as you are Being Loved and Making LOVE.
These are all Instant and of Love vibrations, Play and Fun, healing processes.
These are all in the "Tool Box of Energy" I do on myself and offer with all my Heart, to clients. :-)