PLEASE ALLOW PAGE TIME TO LOAD...as we are offering you here the most full information on The Healing Codes, that we can. Click on each question & the answer drops down for you to read. If you have more questions please contact me directly. Many folk feel a need to 'improve' their lives in some, or many ways. THIS mechanism will Work For you because the Energy it creates knows more than we do, about finding the memory patterns that Create sickness & our inner life upsets. Its DELIGHTFUL to be able to tell you that these Healing Codes only do you GOOD, (there are no negative side effects!!!). Its super fast so you can relax and LOVE your Healing. ENJOY... :-)
The Healing Codes

What are The Healing Codes?
Using The Healing Codes, enables a person, for the first time Completely, to truly deal with ALL the issues of your life, clear your fears, dissolve your stress, your emotional baggage, & heal the Heart of who you are and all the physical upsets that go with, being in huge Stress.
This mechanism of 12 varied Codes, activates with the fingertips, 4 Healing Centres that are new human knowledge, since 2001. Opening these Healing centres in specific combinations, creates an electrical or vibrational connection, like repairing circuitry, that ‘mend’ the Stress we feel as disturbances. These disturbances are the underlay, of what we experience in life, as illness, emotional overload & upsets, pain, anxiety, mental distress, disease & destructive behaviours & beliefs, etc.
In short, THCodes process addresses ALL the issues of our lives by directly clearing the Stress that we are feeling in day to day life. It works whether we Believe in it, or not. The 4 Healing Centres immediately affect the ‘control panel’ of our entire human system, body, mind, Spirit & our Heart.
The hand positions vary, from code to code, because each different combination, produces a specific Vibration, that is the exact Opposite vibration, to All the distresses you experience, & ‘mends’ the Cause of the distress, that was emitting that uncomfortable vibration.
The Healing Codes program can be, a one time purchase you invest in, for the Whole of your family. You & any of the family are also able to choose a Coach and work one on one, with them, privately, individually.

How do The Healing Codes work?
Stress suppresses our immune system. As stress and destructive, negative energies are canceled out by doing The Healing Codes (THC), our immune system naturally improves and the body heals itself. Our bodies have a miraculous ability to heal themselves, within that Immune System, when given the opportunity to do so. All aspects of our lives heal with The Healing Codes. ALL of us, not just the physical!

What is stress?
Stress is what we feel when so many different and often disagreeing feelings and upsets, overwhelm us & then we feel under pressure all the time. It is actually electrical current, frequency, or vibration, and it is an actual physical, biological sensation and re-action, releasing toxic chemicals into the body, distressing the nervous and other systems of the body and overloading us with complex emotions.
Constriction & tightness impact, to reduce the input & output capacity of all the cells in our entire system. Ongoing pressure like this leads to dis-ease then disease and illnesses of all kinds. Each person's body system, expresses their Stress, in their own way, depending on which organ system is their weakest link in the body as a whole. So, each person with a diagnosis, has that illness, whether physical, mental or emotional, for Different and Individual reasons, due to this underlying programming giving off upsetting vibes.
This shows us that a group of people with the same diagnosis...say for example, Asthma, or Schizophrenia, or Depression...have that seemingly same diagnosis, for Entirely Different reasons at the CAUSE of that illness.
Cellular biologist Bruce Lipton, explains this in detail in his book "The Biology of Belief" which was the result of his research at Stanford University in the US. His main point in his research & the book, was that when that Original Causal belief is changed in the Subconscious memory data storage, then the upsetting output electrically, changes too...and no longer 'pings & pangs' in us. So thus, the idea is, that if we change our beliefs, our Thinking & what Drives it...the underlying original programming...so we utterly change the outcomes of the related aspects of our lives.
Effortlessly,...and the more we can allow it to be effortless, just relax and Let the Codes do their job, then true permanent life changes happen For us.

Energy Process, or Tool - what do you mean?
As a hammer is a tool to drive in a nail, so THCodes are an Energy tool, working the Energy of our entire human system & they clear negativity from what drives our thinking, stresses and ails our body, mind & Spirit.
This means there IS something we can do for ourselves - that uses the Energy, or Life Force, Chi, Ka, or Ki, of the human body, of the Auric field, Universal Energy field or God Consciousness, (these different descriptions are appearing to mean the same thing & all are connected), and re-adjusts or re-balances our own Energy, so we feel better.
It is now known that this Energy goes right to the Source of our life’s disturbances...right to the Cause, of what feels 'wrong' with us, in any way, and adjusts it immediately so that Improvement or release from pressure, from stress, results, ongoingly, whether we know it, understand it, can feel it, or not.

What makes The Healing Codes different from any other Energy process?
So simple a child who reads can do it. So Complete, it addresses every aspect of our whole human system
The fact is, The Healing Codes will work...whether we THINK up an issue, or a memory is 'recalled' to MIND, or not. :-) Anyone who has just sat an exam will agree it can often be a struggle to retrieve, from the Subconscious massive Library of learned data, the exact exam answer details & information needed.
The Healing Codes will work without us CONTROLLING what is going on, without any need to UNDERSTAND intellectually, with the brain, mind or thinking processes at all. The Energy generated while Coding, does it all for you.
If you can Let Yourself FEEL more, and let your brain rest, then its likely you may notice you make more Unexpected progress, in ways you may not have ever ‘thought up’ as being helpful to you, and these changes will show up, when it unfolds within your life experiences.
May I suggest you - Feel more, Think less, & just do THC, rotating round the 12 Code categories.
Yes do,Observe life, notice what comes up that is uncomfortable, translate it to an emotion or feeling, and Code on that with either specific code categories, or just going full rounds of the 12 codes. Your Coach may create you a Custom Code, or offer other suggestions,...great, do that too.
Give permission, in your beginning Prayer/Request, for the Energy you create as you Code, to clear whatever is associated to the issue or disturbances you have at that time, whether you know about it, understand it, or not...And, that it do all that Only Kindly & Gently.
This last part of the statement, may be the MOST powerful, because that enables that Coding Energy, to access the SUBconscious memory information data base, connected to cell memory & yet, it is at this time in human knowing, unchartered...without a Known Filing System,
THCodes allows us to systematically work through our 'stuff', sequentially, Anyway.

THC Basic Program - 3 Choices
1) The FULL Healing Codes Package. For those wishing to go fully and deeply, and be assisted by a Coach. Contains, The Healing Codes Manual, a Pocket Guide, a Journal to record your progress, Dr Alex Loyd’s DVD introduction & “How To”, and a full set of CD’s that walk you through the 12 code program. Plus time with your own personal Coach, for up to 8 Custom Code testing and developing sessions.
2) The Streamlined Package. This is a Streamlined hard copy version of the pack described above & designed for self motivated people, not necessarly highly computer skilled. There are 4 pre-recorded, downloadable Coaching mp3 audios, plus access to 12 previously recorded Client Open Forum sessions, from the archive. Plus 2 months of email coaching, after purchase.
3) The Digital Download Healing Codes version has the same content as the Streamline version, plus a few changes, & its completely, immediately downloadable after purchase & aimed to the computer literate folk.
Contains…full Healing Codes Manual (as above) internet viewable introductory videos (in lieu of DVD) PDF portable Codes for when you are on the go, access to 4 pre-recorded, downloadable coaching sessions, a FAQ section & a PDF of Helpful Hints to doing your Healing Codes. For Coaching, please see our SERVICES page & select & work with the Coach of your choice, directly. Full international list of THC Coaches at www.thehealingcodes.com "Meet Our Practitioners".

Why does THC Basic Program have 12 code categories?
I invite you to look in the Basic Program Manual, at the front page of each of the 12 Code categories and notice, how the first 3, Unforgiveness, Harmful Actions and Unhealthy Beliefs, are KEY in unlocking our major stucknesses in life...and, they are woven into the following nine virtue Codes, which each have a body system they govern, and, with which they inter-act. This means, one full sweep of all 12 Code categories, completely accesses one full layer of our human existence, as we know it at this time in human understanding.
Rotating through the 12 Code categories, round after round, dusts layer after layer, ongoingly, like doing our Inner Housekeeping and Spring Cleaning & de Cluttering, ALL at the same time, rolling back the clock, releasing ourselves from Stress in Every aspect of ourselves. Healing every issue that hurtfully impacts all areas of our lives & our Hearts.!!!

Is there a Code for different illnesses & diseases?
The full answer to this could be a Book...ie “The Healing Code” by Dr Alex Loyd & Dr Ben Johnson!!!...so If you wish to read it, it will help. :-)
My shorter offering here is...that what we have all become so Used To with health, & why we get sick, and what to do about it…through what medicine and science tell us...is pretty much proving to be Backwards to the way our Human system actually WORKS.
The Build up of Stresses, & the vibrations under-pinning them, become so intense they upset the body so much that it produces an Illness, or a Disease, or disruption, of some kind, to get our Attention, till we do something that ‘mends’ it.
So with The Healing Codes we go to that Underlying vibration emitted by an emotion, memory, belief, behaviour etc etc, and we Code to clear that Cause Vibration/s. This then allows the reason for being sick in the first place, to collapse, and the disease reduces and goes.
There are likely to be many many different upsetting vibrations that go into the ‘fabric’ of a whole disease, diagnosis or illness, so this is why we encourage Daily using of The Healing Codes 12 Code categories, over and over, sweeping through layer after layer of whatever disturbances are there.
If you can consider it this way...that daily sweeping through your Healing Codes 12 Code categories are like you Vacuming, Dusting, Spring cleaning & de-Cluttering and taking out the garbage,...like you’d do at home.
Just make a habit of doing some Coding each and every day and keep that going whether you feel there ‘looks to be' improvement, or not.
EVERY Code you do WORKS. Just please know this...and that there is a Trust/Faith Code, if you find it difficult to have confidence that its working, or you are convinced that you cannot see changes you desperately want.
The Healing Codes are working with Every code you do.

What is the difference between THC Book & THC Basic Program?
The PROGRAM of 12 basic Code categories, came first, released in June 2004. It IS The Healing Codes.!!!
The “The Healing Code” Book, came about to assist explaining the Healing Codes, to bring it in book form to the reading public, and to show the Energy & Traditional Medicine connections and differences, plus scientific information to assist people to know more of what may be on offer with this uniquely simple and powerful way to work our Own Energy this particular, certain way ‘called’ The Healing Codes. AND why you would even want to, or see a reason to, need to, heal & improve you, this way.

Traditional Medicine and The Healing Codes
Yes these 2 fit very nicely together. It is most wise, if you are in any kind of ill health, that you continue and stay steady, with whatever you were doing before you found &/or began using The Healing Codes. Sudden change would be unnecessary stress into which to put yourself.
Let the Healing Codes help with taking stress out of, whatever is, your present health situation.
If you are dealing with a complex health issue/s, then having a Coach would be most beneficial & supportive, to assist you with using the Codes in relation to whatever is going on for you, as you progress.

Do I stop or change any of the meds or medical treatment I am on now?
NO. Please do maintain whatever you are doing, medical or alternative, for your health now. Among other reasons, stopping would be a big Shock to your body & your system, which would put you in Stress…and you are doing The Healing Codes to take you OUT of Stress. All Healing Codes products work co-operatively & in harmony with, medical treatments, & it will very likely ease symptoms and side effects constantly.
What will be happening, with doing The Healing Codes Basic program, & the Q Codes, & the LT3 & the Master Key…you will be bringing your system out of stress, working on yourself on deeper layers, at the Source Cause of what ails you. Focus on lovingly easing yourself to better health. REQUIRE your whole system to do this Kindly and Gently.
You can also BLESS your medications as you take them, asking them to do their Best job in helping your system, and say "Thank You". Also say that they have No permission to give you Any negative side effects.!!!

How to find a Coach/Practitioner!
If you are in Australia or South East Asia, there are 3 THC Coaches here, myself Susan Glynn, Jan Bonnefin & Jenny Sherrell. Jan & Jenny will add their skills & contact details in this website shortly.
If you wish to search further, please go to The Healing Codes .com website, to the Practitioner link, then click on “Meet our Practitioners”. View the list, then feel into your Heart & pick a Coach to whom you feel a connection, and contact them. All contact details are beside each Coach picture and name. Most Coaches work Internationally.

Why is Coaching Worthwhile?
Coaching offers Support & Loving encouragement. Professional caring guidance plus the exceptional Energy Testing we Coaches employ, along with our own individual skill sets and Energy Tool Box, as I call it.
Insightful mentoring specific to your own situation and needs within a Confidential, Safe framework.
My own commitment to you, should you choose Coaching with me, Susan, comes with a Passionate agreement to do all I can to assist you in whatever it may take, to gain you the improvements and progress you wish for.

What happens in a Coaching Session?
This will vary substantially with each client, each Coach & with each session, due to individual circumstances.
Answering the many questions that may arise as you do your Coding, experience outcomes and have new life experiences and insights...these are key ways Coaching supports & provides for a client.
A session is often guided by the Energy Testing results of your own Energy vibration at the time. There is a FAQ addressing Energy Testing.
Having someone to ask & having new ways to look at & approach the changes you go through and being cared for, through any times of complexity...are ways you will find will be your ‘soft place to fall’ within the Coaching relationship.
Can you 'allow yourself' this loving encouragement along your way?

What is a Custom Code?
A Coach creates, with the aide of their Energy Testing, a new combination of hand positions, in different patterning from the 12 code categories in the Basic Healing Codes program, and Exact to the issue bothering the client the Most, at the time of working with the Coach. You will do this Custom code, till its Energy subsides, then either get back to your Coach, or resume rotating around the 12 basic code categories, & as per your Coach's recommendations. There is a FAQ for more information on the Energy Testing mentioned here.

What is a Coach Guided Code?
When a client has an urgent issue, and Testing indicates it, then a Coach will create a customized code one hand position at a time & GUIDE the client through that, IN the session, with the Coach DOING the code with the client. The power impact of this is exponentially multiplied, for the client, during this time.
Like instant revival from a crisis.

What is the Energy Testing the Coaches do?
You come to your Coach with a burning issue, a memory or just a ‘stuck’ feeling. We begin by re-centreing the client’s Energy...& each Coach goes about this in their own skilful way. For me, I’d ask the client to identify the underlying, Most driving emotion, to the issue, and to focus there. No storyline.
The Energy of that emotion, travels instantly to me...(great example of ‘Action at a Distance’ so please do read the FAQ of that if you wish)...and questions for testing revolve around what that client needs at that moment, which, naturally, varies. The Testing is therefore ‘reading the Energy resonance’ & vibration of the person, of the issue and the emotions & feelings. Disruptive, hurtful vibes produce a “No” in the testing and comfortable, loving, light vibes, produce a “Yes”, and sometimes more information comes forth during the testing.
:-) This is a much cheaper version of scan, ultrasound & MRI machines, all rolled into one...Plus, all Heart & Spiritual issues & All that affects the entire System of you.!!! Somewhat good value for ‘outlay’ ..don’t you think? (...especially given that the medical machines read just the physical body organ resonances).
Anyone can learn to do Energy Testing...THC has the Truth Technique on offer - FAQ on that below too.
Be your own Bio-Feedback machine.!!! :-0

What is 'Action at a Distance'?
Please do google this & you will find it a ‘booklet sized answer’ just on its own. The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen experiment is possibly the most famous.
In short,...Physics tells us that we are a vibration of a certain speed, in a massive Universal Energy field & connected to ALL. This explains how we might be described as ‘all ONE’. When a person thinks, the ‘thought’ is a vibe & it resonates out, to the object of the thought, and they ‘receive it’. ie. as I drive home, I speak out aloud to a friend of mine, saying “I will be home in about 3 mins, if you wish to call me after that”, and a few minutes after I arrive home, he phones. (he lives 1 & 1/2hrs drive from me.) Yes...truly...this kind of thing happens constantly in my life.
For everyone Like Vibrations attract one another, and connect & communicate as if ‘distance’ does not exist.

What is a Healing Response?
This can also be called a Herxheimer’s reaction. A Healing Response (HR) means your Healing Codes are working.!!!
So Much healing is taking place at once, that the body & your whole system is healing several areas at once, and becomes uncomfortable…ie, headaches, exhaustion, nausea and amplifying of previous distresses.
The accelerated healing also releases/allows increased amounts of toxins, into the body. This will also be amplified if the person Coding has negative beliefs around life being Hard Work &/or having to Struggle in any way in life.
Please drink plenty of water...even enhanced water, to wash you through. Also eat Simple Fresh Whole foods & raw is very desirable as all this will assist your body to cleanse & gain more immediate nutrient with the raw & Whole foods.
Now please read the next FAQ, for more good news.!!!

What do I DO about a Healing Response?
The Healing Codes themselves are used in a counter/reactive way to immediately begin clearing these Healing Response reactions.
Once aware of being in a Healing Response (HR), please STOP Coding on that particular issue, and immediately apply & ASK the Healing Codes to address Only the HR upsets, and either rest, or go more slowly &/or keep coding until this reaction has settled.
If you are not sure how to do this on your own, book a Coaching session with your Coach, and let them lead you, test you and give you the appropriate Healing Codes to clear the HR. Only once the HR is all clear, do you go back to the issue, where you left off your previous Coding.
Being in a HR proves that your Healing Coding is working.!!!
It simply DELIGHTS me to be able to tell you all this as it means The Healing Codes are Unique in being their OWN version of a reviving tonic to counter-balance you. :-)
As You Do The Healing Codes

What is the Heart Issues Finder?
Here is a short, free questionnaire that is good to begin with whether you are using THC Book with its Universal Code or The Healing Codes basic program.
You will get a 10-12 page printout explaining your outcomes, and it includes a coloured graph with all 12 areas we call the Code Categories of THC basic program, so you are literally seeing a Snapshot of your Energy pattern, at this moment in time. Do use the lower scored categories to guide you to the first Codes to do & to apply to yourself.
Each time you take these Issues Finder questionnaires, you will notice it Measures your progress, it gives you Direction to focus on the lower scored categories when doing your Codes, and, answering the questions with Focus on different aspects of you & your life, will highlight & vary more of how you apply which Codes to do, because your results will be different.
This will show you how useful it is to do this Heart Issues Finder (HIF) now and again to see what is different and better as you go along.
Notice we now have a Success Issues Finder too, for those of you who have The Success Codes.

What does 'Rating my Issue' mean?
By sensing the degree of your issue or upset as a number from 0 up to 10, and 10 being ‘peak distress’ you have a starting point, before you begin Coding, which will measure how you feel when you have done a Healing Code. So re-rate how you feel shortly after finishing the Code. It is just a simple way to notice what is Different, from when you began.
Do yourself a favour & don't let this 'measuring' be primary in your Coding, as it may become an Attachment to lean on, all of its own, making a dependency on immediate outcomes. Know that the Energy the Codes creates in you goes deep and broadly into all aspects of you, like the root system of a massive tree.
Often its the daily cumulative effect of Coding that achieves the Big shifts & differences.

What is a Prayer/Request?
To begin each of your times of Coding, a Prayer, or Request, actually gives you the chance to ask Out Aloud (is best) for what you want to have Healed. A memory, a Picture from some experience in your life or an issue...these are perfect to offer to God, to the Energy, the Source of ALL, for mending in any way that is possible for you, at that time.
The healing Energy or Power, that you create as you do your Healing Codes, knows Exactly where and how to go find open and heal all the aspects of these issues you bring, to be healed. Do your Best to let go, and have Confidence, Trust & Faith that the improvements you seek, Are happening...(and there is a Code for Trust/Faith, to help you here). :-)
If you Do The Healing Codes, they WORK, whether your mind Thinks its working, or not. Watching a Heart Rate Variability Test in progress with The Healing Codes, proves this too.
It is Very worthwhile to add into your Prayer/Request, your ‘permission’ to that Energy that the Codes create, to heal you in any way that you may NOT know is connected to these issues you ask to have healed.

What is a Truth Focus Statement?
They are phrases, descriptions of a Loving Positive Focus for you to use as you actually Do your Healing Codes on yourself. Yes they will ‘keep your mind busy’, if you are not used to stilling the mind as in traditional meditation. Your Healing Codes Manual will show you when to use these statements to help you create a more Loving Inner State, inside yourself, as you Code, so that that helps the Code itself, to accelerate your Healing, AND, you Feel Better in the doing of it all.
The more powerfully you can create a 'Loving Inner State' then the more 'feel good' chemicals you flood your cells with, and this fuels & Accelerates your whole Coding process.
...more info on this in the next question...

Can I use my affimations as Truth Focus Statements?
Only Affirm, what feels good to you & is in Exact Vibrational Alignment with you. Get your Coach to Energetically Test both you and the affirmations you have in mind, as it will show immediately, which affirmations are either too strong or too weak for you, and thus, they would be putting you in More Stress, which is obviously Not helpful.
We describe “Truth Focus Statements” this way, simply Because they are the vibration of TRUTH, for You, are Comfortable & on the same frequency as you are, at the time you use them.
Please feel free to use those Truth Focus Statements on offer, as suggestions. Feel free to re-arrange these as you wish, or write your own to gain better alignment for yourself, at any given time. Yes, your vibration Will change doing THCodes, instantly, whether you feel it or know it or not, so realize you may have to change your Truth Focus Statements to reflect that as you go along. You will get better and better at sensing this for yourself, as this too, is a feature of the Clearing that is occurring in you, as you Code.

What else can I do as I do my Healing Codes?
There are guidelines to creating an Image or Picture, that assist you to generate a loving feeling in you as you Code.
Alternatively, you may use music - any that you LOVE - for its to put yourself into, as near to an Inner State of Love, feeling Love, as you can manage.
Elio composed & created a whole CD of gorgeous music to 'attune you' specific to each of The Healing Codes and you can go here... to obtain your own copy.
Sitting in nature while you Code is also powerful. Soak up the Energy directly from the air and plants around you. Maybe by the rhythm of the surf.
Also, there are a large variety of meditation tracks available through the internet,... holosync, various frequencies, brainwave & binaural beats, etc, …all of which are brainwave settling and expanding, sound technologies which are very helpful, with your Coding and will assist you to relax very deeply as you Code.

What if I don't think anything is happening, as or after doing my Codes?
Know...that The Healing Codes are a mechanism...do them and they work.
Like re-wiring an electrical circuit, then switching the electricity on again. Open even just one Energy centre briefly, and you have made a Positive difference to assist yourself. True, we may not be able to determine the extent of that improvement at this time in human knowing.
The reasons why we may think we are not seeing an outcome, are as many and varied as there are ‘opinions’ on any subject, and ‘issues’ to be worked on. Maybe I will attempt adding to this in an Article, and post it on the website in the near future. :-)

Can I do Healing Codes ON other people?
Oh YES please do. Children love it, animals soak it up too. Its easiest to be behind the person you wish to work on. It is very loving and cosy to sit, with the person leaning against you, and you are best able to reach around their face & head & Code on them that way.
AND...read the next question & answer...>

Can I do the Healing Codes FOR someone else?
Absolutely YES. Please do your own Coding session, On YOU, in the usual way. Once that session is concluded, you just say “I Release these Healing Codes IN LOVE, to...” (and name those you have on your Healing List.)
This wording is a guideline only. Do please say it how you Feel it, and make it a Prayer, if that is your first & preferred impulse.
Varied Healing Codes Products

What are the 'Q Codes'?
“Q” stands for Quick & Quantum.
This is a process you Apply To, the Healing Codes you already have, like the Universal Code from THC Book, THC 12 code Basic Program, or Custom Codes, to greatly accelerate their impact on you.
So purchasing this Q Codes program is only useful to you if you already have been doing The Healing Codes in some way. Its so powerful, that it would be helpful to ask your Coach, to Test with you before you purchase this Q Codes program, so you know you are Ready for this degree of impact in your Healing.
My understanding of How the Q Codes came about, is that Dr Alex was getting many clients with very complex health issues and in pain. Clients who had Lots of high level pain, and Dr Alex just Had to do something to assist these folk to get their pain reduced so they were more comfortable in life. He prayed, and the Q Codes were founded. Then, being more free of pain, of course, the client would find it easier to relax, and be able to do their Healing Codes, which then provided them ongoing healing at the Causes of their complex health situations.

What is the 'LT3' course?
There really IS a lot that can be said about the LT3 program, as it is a quite separate, different way, to do Healing Codes, and no, you do not have to have the Basic Healing Codes pack, to be able to do the LT3 course, if you wish to.
LT3 means, Life Transformation 3.
The 1st being the Basic Healing Codes pack of 12 codes.
The 2nd was the Q codes, a faster way to Accelerate the Basic Healing Codes 12 codes & Custom Codes( please do refer to the FAQ’s on the Q Codes & Custom Codes).
The LT3 is 5 weeks of 2 phone contacts per week. One, the group call, led by Dr Alex Loyd, with your LT3 Group doing the course with you, and the 2nd call is you alone with Dr Alex personally, where he addresses Exactly, the issues you came to the course to address. LT3 produces from those calls with Dr Alex, special long-life Codes, created specific to all the KEY areas of your life.
Once the 5 week training is achieved, then you Really begin their application & have all you are likely to need to address anything that will come up in your life to challenge you...on any issue.
For more information please do Contact Me...

What is the Success Codes Program?
These are the 12 Code categories again, and yet ENTIRELY different code Combinations, & applied differntly too, to The Healing Codes. The Success Codes address any Failure Mechanism you may carry in your deep life programming.
Having 'things' and status in life are often Not success for us & NOT Fulfilling to our Hearts - the Heart of who we are. The Success Codes will show you how to find what is Truly & Lovingly YOUR success and doing the Success codes ongoingly will Switch that Success Switch ON in you.

What is the 'Master Key' program?
The Master Key is vastly different to The Healing Codes and it activates the Immune System specifically. It comes as a 2 program set & both programs are Highly beneficial, being used together, co-operatively.
With the Master Key, you relax, listen to an audio with stereo headphones and allow the 6 component process, to work on you as a team, for up to 20mins, & ‘do it all’ for you. You can put the audio’s on and go to sleep and it will still be assisting you.
The Master Key has a manual & set of FAQ’s all its own, to inform and guide you on its use and flexibility to weave in with The Healing Codes, if you use that program too.
Please contact me, Susan Glynn, if you want further information.

What is the 'Truth Technique'?
This is a type of Applied Kinesiology Energy Testing you can do on yourself, that Dr Alex Loyd developed in 1997 and patented in 1999, Way before THCodes came into being.
Although a muscle testing process, the Truth Technique is Not reliant on the strength or weakness of muscles, to achieve its, therefore, heightened accuracy. This program shows several ways to practice for yourself, & choose from, to find what may be the best, easiest & most effortless for you to test your self.
Just imagine what you can Test in your life. How many times are you stuck in your head, not sure what to do & trying to 'work it all out', from a list of options? So what IS Best for you in any given situation?
The Truth Technique testing obtains a Yes or No to the list of alternatives in front of you. This selects Only the option that is in Harmony with you...and the vibration you are in, at any given time. Cool, eh?

Being an Affiliate...Can I tell other people about The Healing Codes?
Yes we’d Love you to. You may sign up as an affiliate to the parent Healing Codes website, and earn from all sales that come from people, to whom you have spoken, and who buy through your link.
I personally am willing to answer Any questions from people my clients or others, have spoken to, about The Healing Codes.
Also, if you have your own Coach, and you wish to purchase further Healing Codes products, it is thoughtful to ask for your Coach’s buying affiliate link, & buy through that, to assist them with a little extra earning too.
PLEASE ALLOW PAGE TIME TO LOAD...as we are offering you here the most full information on The Healing Codes, that we can. Click on each question & the answer drops down for you to read. If you have more questions please contact me directly.
Many folk feel a need to 'improve' their lives in some, or many ways.
THIS mechanism will Work For you because the Energy it creates knows more than we do, about finding the memory patterns that Create sickness & our inner life upsets.
Its DELIGHTFUL to be able to tell you that these Healing Codes only do you GOOD, (there are no negative side effects!!!). Its super fast so you can relax and LOVE your Healing.
ENJOY... :-)
The Codes & the Coaching are turning my life around in ways that I couldn't have imagined. I was suffering from Depression. Since working with Susan & the Codes I have experienced a huge change and I am feeling better than I have for a long time.
M.D. 40's female, mother.
I am so glad we connected as you have made it possible for me to change my perceptions, with your wise words, your encouragement & guidence.I would not be here where I am. I am grateful...
G.W. 60's male.
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