A warm Welcome to The Healing Codes Australia
HELLO!...I am Susan Glynn, first certified Healing Codes Coach/Practitioner in Australia.
That you are here on this Healing Codes page may mean that you are Searching for something More in your life, for your health or personal development or other reasons, that will in any way make life Better.
Is it that you feel something is not working, or is not as you would like it be, in your life? Has a diagnosis come up and shocked you enough to look outside what you have previously known about? Maybe you have a feeling that you want to constantly grow, expand, improve,...telling you life is meant to be happy, loving and enjoyable.
It was a similar inner drive that brought The Healing Codes into my life too… and yes, much of my life was going well, and yet I ABSOLUTELY felt that More was Possible, and that using Energy was the Key way to achieve this. What seemed clear to me was that upsetting fears, emotional distress, pains, health issues of any kind, Stress, subconscious programming…call them what we will…
These seemed to be ‘in the way’ in some form or other… clogging, fogging, or blocking our path to good health and life improvement...and that it IS possible to re-script the 'drive' program.
As I Experienced different Energy processes & courses, cleaning out that clutter was definitely what seemed to be happening in me, Freeing me… and every aspect of me.
After some years, for me personally, and as a practitioner, the Energy processes, modalities, and tools I knew of already were not achieving All I felt was now possible.
I wanted to find a way to use Energy to access our Selves, clear those fears, more COMPLETELY…whether I could locate them, identify, recall or knew of them myself or not.
Looking at and hearing the details of The Healing Codes confirmed immediately for me that here was that ‘More Complete’ that I felt I was after.
What is so unique about this Healing Codes way of using Energy?
Well…!!! that’s a book, isn’t it? "The Healing Code", by Dr Alex Loyd & Dr Ben Johnson. They bring Lots of science that illustrates much as to why The Healing Codes work. Here’s my short explanation in the meantime…

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